52 Avian Parenting Marvels: A Journey into Bird Nurture and Devotion

Every January 5th, dozens of children in the United States wake up excited by the prospect of birdwatching. National Bird Day, now in its 14th year, is dedicated to the enjoying and preservation of our fine feathered friends. This year, organizers are encouraging people to take the “captive bird video pledge” and promise not to share videos of captive “pet” birds.

For those of you who can’t or wont go out to bird watch, this list of birds with their babies is for you. Which one do you think is the cutest? Do you have any pictures of birds with their little ones? Vote, or post your own photos below!



It’s so good to think of how that small bird would grow so majestic like its parent

I counted 9 legs!!!!! 🙂

My favorite.

Er, that’s a father bird.

So lovely!

Bedtime story!

Great way to recycle. If it’s a stinky old boot, do the birds care?

Sandhill crane (?)

What a cuddle puddle!

It’s a falcony!!

No dinner until you brush your beak first!

This nest is amazing. What a cute little home!

Oh these are adorable!!

Just how long has that car been parked?!?

Alive and free.

How did she know that red lights are the best to bring up babies?

awesome ..

What a gorgeous nest… so intricate. They are master-crafters to be able to build something that will sustain that weight

Gonna grow up to be just like mom 🙂

wish all of the bird species would be named by the photographers

Soo cute ! Sleeping under the wing of its mother

Ahahah cute grumpies.

baby penguins are so cute! 😀

They drive her crazy :p

These birds are beautiful!

Love the mirror image.

That must be one overworked bird!

It is amazing shot! Mom’s wings….


I think it’s a mother storck

These are so cute!

Hope it doesn’t fall when the wind blows :O

Nice dragonfly u got there

beautiful photos. The offspring of a swan is a cygnet, not a signet. LH

We used to have those birds in our farm creating their houses with clay


I wonder if the other adult is his or her partner, sibling, or friend.


Pretty bird

This reminds me of a Robin that laid her eggs on my porch a few years ago. Whenever she was gone I would climb a ladder and take photos of the progress of chicks after the eggs hatched . It was a great experience . The mother returned and caught me on the ladder, she raised bloody hell. I quickly went into the house. A few days later the chicks were gone. They must have flown the coup.

I absolutely love swans. They are so beautiful and so graceful. I didn’t know until recently that they carried their little ones under their wings. That made them even more beautiful to me.

Wow crazy legs!

Look at these cute little faces !

cutie pies

Father bird! Chickadee!


Mom’s keeping babe toasty warm!

Starlings drive me crazy every year because they gobble up all of the bird food at the feeders until it’s gone, even with the suet! They’re hogs! This nice pic makes them look a lot prettier than they are! If only they would share….

Where’s the mom?

None of these are juveniles (which have black beaks) so it shouldn’t be here

Nice screen grab of a video.

WOW those are brand new hatched! Eyes not even open. So sweet!

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