17 Terrifying Creatures Found In The Deepest Depths Of Our Planet, The Mariana Trench

The ocean is one of the last unexplored vestiges of our planet. It’s amazing to think that we actually know more about space than the giant expanses of water that 70% of our planet. We use the ocean so much for trade and travel that it would seem like common sense that we would devote massive resources to its research. Our knowledge is limited however, so when we do discover something new it is cause for celebration. Well scientists recently sent a submersible down to the deepest depths of our planet, the Mariana Trench. The deepest point of the earth known to man, it is a bruising 35,462 feet deep! The submersible that was sent down captured images of creatures that defy our imagination. What else could be hiding down there?

These fish have been known about for a while – but every time you see a picture of one, it’s more terrifying than the last.

If you thought they couldn’t get worse, you were wrong. Someone decided to add a flashlight to them.

Anything with “Seadevil” in the name is probably not something you want to mess with. Good thing it lives at the bottom of the ocean.

Well, it definitely earned it’s namesake.

The Frilled Shark has been referred to as a living fossil because it is so old.

This thing looks like a zombie fish. Those eyes are haunting.

I’m not convinced these are real fish. I think they are the ghosts of dead fish. I mean these things have hollow faces!

These are some of the craziest fish I’ve ever seen. There eyes are actually directed to the top of their head to allow them detect the silhouettes of prey above them. Oh yea, and they have a translucent head!

Anglerfish seem to come straight out the depths of hell.

I honestly have no idea what this is, but it looks like something from outer space.

I’m assuming this is a jellyfish of some kind. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t want to come in contact with it.

I’d stay down in the deepest parts of the ocean if I looked like that too.

This was clearly scientifically created to haunt people’s dreams. That’s the only explanation, right?

This one isn’t as terrifying as the others, but I still wouldn’t want it brushing up against me.

I feel like this is just an Anglerfish in disguise, and given a different name.

This just looks like a giant pair of lips with a brain!

Our oceans are still full of fascinating creatures that have evaded our camera lenses. As technology further develops, we will have the means to explore the depths of our oceans to even greater extents. We will undoubtedly find even crazier looking creatures than these, even though that may not seem possible. Our oceans are vast and deep, and we still have quite a way to go before we gain a great understanding about the world below our oceans.

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