A Bright Yellow Bird That Really Is One In A Million -Meet The Yellow Cardinal!

A one-in-a-million, rarely-seen bird, delighted birdwatchers in Alabama as images of this rare visit flooded the internet!

This rarely-seen bird was first seen in Alabaster, Alabama, in late January in very lucky Charlie Stephenson’s backyard!

1/ The Yellow Cardinal

Auburn University biology professor Geoffrey Hill told AL.com that this rare cardinal is an adult male, exactly the species as the common red cardinal.

The main difference being this bird has a genetic mutation that causes a bright yellow pigment in its feathers instead of brilliant red.


Charlie Stephenson said the bird has been an around-the-clock visitor to her backyard feeder for days. “Every time we’ve looked for him, he’ll show up at least once a day,” she said to AL.com.



Professional photographer Jeremy Black snapped a couple of shots of the bird, which have made the rounds of news.


Red cardinals are found all across central and eastern North America, according to Cornell University’s Ornithology Lab: “A year-round resident, the cardinal is a common visitor to bird feeders in winter, and it has been chosen as the state bird in seven U.S. states.”

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